Angielski i angielski biznesowy online z native speakerem (UK). Lekcje indywidualne i grupowe na Zoom/Teams. Zajęcia stacjonarne są również możliwe - dla uczniów szkół podstawowych, średnich, studentów, osób przygotowujących się do egzaminów.
Bazując na tysiącach godzin doświadczenia w nauczaniu twarzą w twarz i online, mogę bardzo szybko i skutecznie poprowadzić moich uczniów do sukcesu. Definiuję go jako umiejętność porozumiewania się bez obaw w szerokim zakresie tematycznym. Posiadam CELTA (najbardziej uznana kwalifikacja do nauczania języka angielskiego na świecie).
Od 2010 roku współpracowałem z takimi firmami, jak: Atos, J.P.Morgan, Luxmed, Biaform, Kan-Therm, HIFI Filter, Infinity Group, Coders Center, Glaxo Smith Kline, TVN, GE Aerospace.
Jeśli chcieliby Państwo dowiedzieć się, w jaki sposób mogę pomóc w rozwoju kompetencji językowych pracownikom Waszej firmy, proszę poniżej zostawić wiadomość. 'Talk is cheap, Smart Talk is priceless'
How to learn any language
You can learn any language at any age, if you believe you can. Don't listen to that voice in your head that says 'I'm too old', 'I can't do this'. Always think of what you have to do as being easy, and it will be. Here are 5 steps to help you reach your language learning goals.
1. Do something EVERY day. One or two lessons a week isn't enough unless you do something on your own, every day, seven days a week. You must make your new language a habit. Five minutes a day is enough to start. Read something aloud, watch a TV show with subtitles, listen to something..anything. When you make your new language a habit, it will become your new habit.
2. Use your drive time. When you travel by bus or car or on foot, you can listen to MP3s, CDs, audiobooks, you can read something and listen to something at the same time. Take your new language on the road with you. Don't just leave it at home.
3. Repeat, repeat, repeat. Read a text 100 times, then listen to a recording of it 100 times, then read it again, listen to it again and repeat as necessary until your new language is alive inside your head.
4. The material you use is important. If it isn’t interesting it won’t motivate you. So find something that makes you want to keep reading. Read mystery stories, read about your favourite subject, if it’s MMA or football or ballroom dancing, whatever, just find articles and stories about it, and get reading.
5. Shadow a native speaker. If you don’t have access to a native speaker, you can find many online courses with recordings and texts made by native speakers. Listen to the native speaker and repeat. Your speaking and pronunciation will get better and you will start to speak automatically. You might have to pay for a premium course, but when you pay for something you are always motivated to try harder.